Friday, July 16, 2010

Circles & Chances

Truth be told, I was having a rough day yesterday, but it was nothing that couldn’t be fixed, My final thoughts for the night where circles and chances.

A friend once told me something that roughly translate to this: " if you have a problem, or if you have something you want to achieve (New House, Car, Amazing Job, etc, etc) you need to create a circle of influence."

A circle of influence is made of people (Friends or strangers) that can actually help you achieve what needs to be achieved. The theory is that you talk about what you want to achieve to the correct people that can help you make it happen.

It’s kind of like for example, You wanting a new job. How are people going to know that you are looking for a new job if you did not tell them? You would be missing out on the many opportunities that could have presented it’s self to you because no one knows that you are looking for a new job.

Going back to what I was saying earlier, If there is something I want or need, I should have a circle of influence to help with me it, and for the past couple of years I have spent a bit of time building up circle of influences for different things in my life, and I have come to realize 2 things (well maybe more, but there is only 2 I want to talk about)

This first thing is, Not everyone you know and meet belong in your circle of influence. What I mean by this is that, Sometimes the people you love the most in life are not good for your circle of influence and sometimes the strangers you meet in a random shop could be the ones to help you achieve what you have been trying to achieve. Why? Well that’s something you have to sit and figure out yourselves.

And the second thing, At the end of the day it all comes down to individual creativity and the chances that you are able to make the most of. The failure to express how your mind works at the right given opportunity is a clear failure to yourself representation and what you want to achieve.

It’s safe to say that the reason why some things have been working out for me, is because I am surrounded by the correct people I need to be surrounded by. In all fairness to them they are amazing, and I am glad to know them.

"In my dream, the angel shrugged and said, if we fail this time, it will be a failure of imagination and then she placed the world gently in the palm of my hand." — Brian Andreas

1 comment:

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