Monday, April 19, 2010


I have recently discovered that I am too technologically advance for my liking, that I am too connected and in tune with what’s going on around me, and That things rarely can surprise me these days.

I don’t like it. You know the whole being available to people whenever, wherever, mainly because I’m not.

I miss the paper notes and letters from friends, or the late night calls from the house phone, or the meeting spot that everyone would automatically go to meet everyone.

So I have decided to go on a mini technology fast. I have started by not signing on to facebook and switching off blackberry messenger. I am not sure what it will grow in to or how long I will last, but I know that taking a step back is my way of moving forward. I know it wouldn’t get back the small childish things that I used like, but going back to the days when you physically used to hang out with friends rather that have a relationship with a mobile portable equipment is kind of what I want to achieve.

And if you are wondering how my notes are getting published without me signing on to facebook, my blog automatically updates my facebook notes whenever I have a new post.

My stand

I am beginning to think that the world has problems with individualism! With people who are capable of just being them selves.

Everybody has categories and labels, and if you don’t fit into one then earth will spin out of order, fly into the sun, destroy that ball of burning flames, and then we will all dehydrate to death because there will be no more water…. unless we move to the moon or mars???

Did you guys ever consider that being unique is also a category “SLASH” a label? I mean sure us unique people don’t seem to have anything in common, but duh it is maybe because we are unique!

I really want to be free to choose who I want to be, where I want to be, with whom I want to be with, How I would like to be with them, etc, etc, and if you have a problem with it is fine, because what others think of me is not my problem, it’s theirs.

I am not a pervert! I am a super pervert! – Jiraiya (Naruto)


I think for the past few months, I have spent a lot of time just fighting, But what is it that I fight for?

I fight for pride, respect, and for my rights.

I fight because I think I am worth it, I fight because think I am not.

I fight for you even though you do not see it, even when you don’t fight for me.

I fight because I want to become stronger and people I have people I want to protect.

I fight for Dreams, smiles, tears, and pain, mine and yours.

But most of all I fight because I feel so dead otherwise, because the things you are passionate about are the things worth fighting for, and without them the world just seems to be so empty.

“Thought I would forget but I, I remember! I Remember!
Makes me that much stronger, Makes me work a little bit harder, Makes me that much wiser thanks for making me a fighter!”


What we want is not what we are meant to have, Basic rule of life that I have been over and over again. I always want what I can’t have and I always need what I don’t want.

The thing is I know that you are so wrong, and that I should stay away, but yet I can’t help wanting you. So what do I do now? How far will I need to be running this time? I don’t not know, but I am running.

“ why can’t ignore it? I keep giving in, But I should know better, cause there was something about the way you looked at me, and its strange that things change, but not me wanting you so desperately”