Monday, April 19, 2010


I have recently discovered that I am too technologically advance for my liking, that I am too connected and in tune with what’s going on around me, and That things rarely can surprise me these days.

I don’t like it. You know the whole being available to people whenever, wherever, mainly because I’m not.

I miss the paper notes and letters from friends, or the late night calls from the house phone, or the meeting spot that everyone would automatically go to meet everyone.

So I have decided to go on a mini technology fast. I have started by not signing on to facebook and switching off blackberry messenger. I am not sure what it will grow in to or how long I will last, but I know that taking a step back is my way of moving forward. I know it wouldn’t get back the small childish things that I used like, but going back to the days when you physically used to hang out with friends rather that have a relationship with a mobile portable equipment is kind of what I want to achieve.

And if you are wondering how my notes are getting published without me signing on to facebook, my blog automatically updates my facebook notes whenever I have a new post.


Amro said...

meh !
I agree with you .. i refuse to use my blackberry for several reasons

msn messenger conversations are much better ! people are there to chat !!

while on bb messenger you feel that people are forced to reply !!
its like hi .. then an hour later its like hi, how you doing !!

Boring !!! and makes it a cold conversation .. and because of that u loose your strong connection with ur friends .. it becomes weaker and weaker !

TvsC said...

Hehe welcome to the Drakside where the BBs ae afraid to walk alone here

so will you stick to with us here or will you be pulled back into it


tima said...

Sorry boys I got pulled back!!!