I feel like I am in a sharing mood today…. I am not sure what would come out of this but here is goes.
Did you know
That for awhile in my life, there was a period that I couldn’t say I miss you or I love you to people. In fact I made sure I never said it, even if I did.
That I also, didn’t hug people or lean on people or have much skin contact with people during that same period.
That my biggest fear, that I kept from everyone, is the fear of losing my hands and eyes, and that I really don’t mind losing any other body parts.
That I am not afraid to die, but I really enjoy living.
That the time I feel the most safe is at Sunrise.
That the worst gift a person could give me is flowers, manly because it makes me really sad when they die.
That I always used to sing the “wishing on a star chant” but never ever make a wish.
That a starry night can make me cry because of it’s beauty.
That if I start listening to a song mid way I can’t enjoy it, even if it’s the best part.
That I really don’t fully understand most of the human emotions, and I don’t know how to act according to each emotion.
That one of the best moments in life for me is, greeting your friends, and seeing genuine appreciation and love for you in their eyes, and knowing you don’t have to be told how much you mean to them because, you can see it in their eyes.
That I used to secretly cry for animal’s pain and people’s pain when they got hurt.
That now I try to be funny and make jokes about it (doesn’t mean I don’t feel the pain).
That is hurts me the most, when people tell me they didn’t feel the need to tell me something at the time, because they already knew they have my support and understanding, as I am a good friend OR that they didn’t want to trouble/worry me.
That I hate it when people I care about don’t trust me, it really offends me. Especially with directions!!
That when I start asking a person random questions, it means that I am pretty comfortable with them.
That I need to always find one good thing about a person, no matter how bad the person is.
That I am not afraid to tell someone how important they are to me.
That once I make a decision I follow it through, no matter how tough (but I do complain about it a lot).
That I get scared a lot.
That I really do love and enjoy getting random orange presents from people.
That one of the happiest childhood memories, involves me and a friend of mine re-painting our home, I think we did a damn good job with the paint.
That only I could get something apparently “positive” and be so angry at the reason it was given to me.
That I have a strong sense if justice.
That I am stubborn (many don’t know this).
That another one of my happiest childhood memories is my high school friends holding me down, putting make up on me, and taking me to seef mall to show me off. (I really hated it that the time though)
That I wake up most of the time feeling like the luckiest person alive (and then I remember I have to go to work an go into depression), doesn’t mean that I forget that I am the luckiest person alive.
That I hate talking on the phone, but when is someone I love, I find it hard to hang up.
That there are 2 guys that made a huge difference in my life, and I have never told them that, even though I still talk to them every other day.
That I will help anyone that asks for it (even an enemy), provided that I don’t lose anything in the process.
That someone important to me gave me a pokemon card during a meaningful hang out, and doesn’t know much I got back to it and think about that day over and over again, and the chain of events that lead us to be friends.
That I am not sure why I felt the need to write this, but am glad I did anyways……
First of all this is the most sincere post i have every read. so how do you feel after you wrote it??
dont be surprised that some ppl know about alot of the things you wrote and didnt tell you coz they trusted you, and knew that when you are ready to tell them they will be there to listen.
hey how come you didnt write about what a wonderful morning to hate feefee =P
loool i just remmeber some stuff but i cant write it here ......u know what i mean ;)
anyway in case i never said it enough Love U
and you had a great big effluence on my life.Oh Great Orange One
It makes me happy that there are no surprises - i still think of . you when I see orange gadgets, which is a lot now that I am in Holland. TC. x Jorien
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