Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Saturday and Sunday with AIESEC

Saturday 10th Feb
AIESEC had its first parents dinner! (Cant wait for the second) I was giving the chance to speak to the parents about exchange! Damn that was like my first speech in front of people I knew nothing about! It was soooo scary! But Hell I would do it again and again and again! Not because I enjoy shaking and panicking but because the AIESEC team is always there to support me! And I guess it is good to have so much support! And eventually I will become good at speaking. But it was not only me that was nervous there where a few others like me and we really did step up!
clap for ourselves!
Sunday 11th Feb
Selection of an Exchange leader! I was one of the persons running! WOW what an experience. Being interviewed by your team mates! Running against a team mate that supports you! and the lonnnnnnnnng wait before the results! the wait was the worst part! But im looking forward to them now, as I have this feeling that it will become apart of my life! Anyways I did lose but I was so happy after the results, Not because I lost but because It was a kind situation where I could benefit if I won or lost! But still even if im not leader I will put all my efforting into exchange! It is something that I want to see sucessful in AIESEC Bahrain!

Monday, February 12, 2007

welcoming 2007

After 1 month and 12 days into my new year i have finnally decided to accept and embrace the new year! Yippy huh? Reflecting back 2006 and thinking about how much of a train wreck it was, I cant help admitting that I did learn something new, Even if it was forced. But im picking up pieces from the 2006 train wreck and head for 2007 by foot! Slow but safe.
So what have i learnt from 2006? hmmmm that if your going to run away from home remember to take ur wallet this time and try doing it on a weekend not week day as you have work the next day. There is no point of taking pictures in the dark ... cos then all you will be able to see are eyes. Oh yeh i also learnt about how much batelco really sucks! no wait i think i learnt that a few days ago ....
anyways moving on .... !?! Oh yeh so im welcoming 2007
here at work, dead bored ... but after i had an interesting saturday and sunday.... welcome 2007 and bring it on, i guess im prepared for it. Lots of new faces, lots of new experiences. and the same old people to share 'em with.
What more can i ask for in life .... well maybe a driving instructor and an orange pillow that i have been dying to find but i guess that is about it.